The People (The Brew Crew!)
Paul Hathaway, originally from Ascot erkshire moved to Islay in August 2003 having visited many times on holiday. Paul is a singer who performs locally and has toured in Germany.

Paul Capper moved to Islay to live in 1993, though he only became a full time resident in January 2003 after retiring from the West Midlands Fire Service after 27 years.

Walter Scobert retired after many years working as the curator of the German Film Museum in Frankfurt, Germany. He has a lifelong interest in beer and single malt whisky and has and continues to write about whisky.

Other people you will come across in the brewery are Steve, a former accountant and Yasmin who also works in her family business.

Islay Ales Co Ltd
The Brewery
Islay House Square
Isle of Islay
PA44 7NZ

Phone    01496 810014
Fax         01496 810014