In 2012 we converted the original farm buildings here into a modern micro brewery. The brewery’s name is derived from the cottage next to the brewery which original maps show was a Pheasantry used for breeding and rearing game birds.

Our beers are brewed using traditional methods, from malted barley, hops, water and yeast.  This area of Nottinghamshire was an important hop growing region for around 150 years from the early 18th century, when nearby Tuxford had its own Hop Fair. The farm sale details from 1943 show that the field down from the restaurant was called the Hopyard, and there are hops growing wild in the hedges there today. High Brecks farm was owned from the late 17th century by the Kirke family who lived in the hall in East Markham. There was a brew house within the original buildings here which was used for John Kirke’s personal use.

Malting barley is grown on the farm today, and new hops have been planted for demonstration purposes, so that visitors can see the brewing process from beginning to end, and taste the finished product too!

Pheasantry Brewery
High Brecks Farm
Lincoln Road
East Markham
NG22 0SN

Phone   01777 872728